Colts Running Backs pre snap keys Run-prime and Pass

  Re: Colts Advanced Scouting for Jets-Colts playoff game January 8, 2011  
  Outline in Advanced Scouting section of blog.
  Addai is only back not using different setbacks for run-prime verses pass
  Film gone, so could not chart name of back on pass plays.
  Run-prime: setback 7 yards or more
  Pass setback: 6 2/3 yards or less
Definitions: Run-prime includes either backfielder and end around runs.
  Setback is distance from line to front of back's toes.
Colts-Cincy November 14, 2010
Time Run-prime Pass Setback in yards Running back
First quarter
09:50:00                                X           7 1/3
  This is a hurried shift and Brown simply sets up too deep.
  This is a pass play with left side prime
09:26:00         X                                       7 1/3 Brown
08:50:00                                x              7
  Head jerk audible to 87 with 87 reply with hand movement.
08:11:00                                x           6 2/3
07:39:00        X                                         7 Brown
02:14:00                                x           6 ½
01:00:00                                x           6 2/3
00:46:00        X                                         7 James
Second quarter
15:00:00        X                                         7 James
14:53:00        X                                         7 James
Skip over to fourth quarter                            
11:07:00        X                                         7 James
10:49:00        X                                         7 James
05:47:00        X                                         7 Brown
05:40:00        X                                         7 Brown
05:01:00        X                                         7 Brown
Colts-Titans December 9, 2010
First quarter
11:50:00        X                                         7 Brown
  Setback 7 so back is involved. As soon as p/a you know it's 31 prime
Note: Players that set up at consistent different distances for run vs pass may tighten up in red zone.
         Brown may be one of those player. Need more examples to verify.
Second quarter:
10:56:00        X                                       6 2/3 Brown
  Many backs tighten up setbacks in red zone. 
10:45:00                             X           5 ½

Joseph Addai pre snap keys Run Colts Packers Pre 3 2011

  Addai pre snap keys:          
        Run: - tweeking and or antsy
  Tweeks defined: - lifting and replacing foot in same place
                                - can also just be a toe lift, caused by antsy knee movement
                                - similar to golfer addressing ball, getting feet to feel just perfect
Colts-Packers Pre 3 2011
Snap time     Tweeks      Antsy       Run
First quarter
14:49:00          X          X         X
Originally: Left elbow close to body indicates pass play.
Audible: Addai makes smaller angle (( inside elbow (bicep to forearm)) with left arm
  This allow Addai to bring his upper body down and forward a small amount. 
  Lowers center of gravity closer to run position without drawing attention to new body position.
14:30:00          X                            X
  Left elbow flared out as well.
13:55:00          X                            X
10:56:00          X                            X
Second quarter
06:26:00          X                            X

Addai pre snap keys Pass Colts Packers Pre 3 2011

  Addai pre snap keys:            
        Pass: - no tweeking after final setup
                 -  does have movement after final setup (disguise for run tweek movements)
Colts-Packers Pre 3 2011
Snap time Non tweek movement       Pass
First quarter
14:55:00                 X           X
Second quarter
06:54:00                 X           X
10:31:00                 X           X
  Another pre snap keys of Addai was side to side looks if blocking on pass plays.
                  - shotgun or qb under center
  The most accurate pre snap keys for Addai was:
            - elbows flare creating small angle (bicep to forearm)
            - elbows in creating straight line (bicep to forearm)
  Addai did an excellent job of evolving his pre snap keys from:
         - easy to read (high, low upper body) Redskins-Colts October 19, 2010 to
         - mixing in tweeks and non tweek movement after setups
  Addai knew (high, low upper body) was a former pre snap key so:
          - at times he would show high upper body but move upper body forward without lowering
          - by moving forward, he would facilitate quicker forward movement needed for run play
  Addai was very readable but did a fantastic job of disguising intent.
  Even though the Jets had the above info, Addai was not affected. Averaged over 4 yards a carry.
           Playoff game Colts-Jets January 9, 2011
  Manning tipped off run verses pass in shotgun:
        - setup for pass plays (bends knees a little) well before the snap
        - setup for run plays (more upright). Bends a little just before snap.

Addai pre snap keys Colts-Redskins October 19, 2010

  This is entered in Advance Scouting.  
  Also entered in Running Back section.
  Addai figured out what he was showing, so he made some adjustments to disguise.
       - I'll point out some of his methods, which he did rather well.
  Besides the following pre snap keys, Addai did exhibit others which gave away intent.
       - a few of them are ubiquitous (used unknowingly by many backs)
Elbow pre snap keys that were evident in 2010 became the main pre snap keys in 2011
  Addai pre snap keys quarterback under center:
Front keys               Run: Elbows flare or angle outwards
Elbows:               Pass:      Elbows are in straight line with biceps and hands
Film had limited access to Addai's front and back views (elbow positions) so used other pre snap keys
  The following pre snap keys go at least as far back as Pre # 3 Indy-Detroit 2009
Side keys:               Run: Upper body lower and more forward
                Pass:      Upper body higher and more upright
Front keys               Run: Height of chest jersey numbers will appear shorter
Jersey numbers:               Pass:      Height of chest jersey numbers will appear taller
Washington-Indianapolis October 19, 2010
     Addai's upper body Addai's upper body 
Time Lower & more forward             Higher        Run       Pass Play action
Second quarter (left elevation)
15:00:00                                                 X                            X          X
14:17:00                                                 X                            X
08:48:00                                                 X                            X
08:07:00                                                 X                            X          X
03:07:00                                                 X          X
  Quick set up for getting 5 yard penalty.
13:24:00                   X                                    X
04:49:00                   X                                    X
03:24:00                   X                                    X
  As soon as Manning sets up Addai gets a little lower.
  His lowest final position is what is important.
02:57:00                   X                                    X
Third quarter (left elevation)
11:11:00                   X                                    X
10:41:00                   X                                                      X
  Set up as run. Quick pass left. Did not see whole play for Manning signals to pass.
10:19:00                   X                                    X
09:46:00                   X                                    X
  Stayed a run play before and after Addai walkup.
00:21:00                   X                                    X

Fargas pre snap keys Run-prime

  Fargas pre snap keys:        
       Run-prime: - intense setup
                            - knee, foot adjustments
  Fargas and McFadden do a lot of different things to disguise what they are doing.
  They even incorporate (each others most used keys) to add to the confusion.
  How to easily distinguish run-prime from pass to other:
  Are they easily satisfied that their set up is good enough (pass to other)
  In other words, does the set up appear to be casual and relaxed.
  Do their set ups need a little or a lot of tweaking, usually with feet (run-prime)
  Does preciseness of set up seem important.
Raiders-Jets October 19, 2008
Snap time Intense set up    Run-prime
First quarter
11:35:00          X          X
Second quarter
07:10:00          X          X
Third quarter
14:56:00          X          X
11:18:00          X          X
Raiders-Panthers November 9, 2008
First quarter
13:20:00          X          X
12:55:00          X          X
11:02:00          X          X
00:26:00          X          X
Second quarter
09:12:00          X          X
09:05:00          X          X
08:09:00          X          X
04:33:00          X          X

Justin Fargas pre snap keys Pass

  Fargas pre snap keys:          
       Pass: - relaxed
                 - feet do not have to be in that perfect position
Raiders-Jets October 19, 2008
Snap time Relaxed set up       Pass
First quarter
05:08:00           X          X
Initially: Intense setup. Play was initially a run.
Initially: Russell's first set up was for a run. Russell got up and reset.
Reset: Russell now sets up for a pass.
  Russell's setups are distinctly different for run and pass. Does a reset on some audibles.
  Will not discuss Russell's many pre snap keys.
02:28:00           X          X
Third quarter
10:39:00           X          X
Raiders-Panthers November 9, 2008
First quarter
12:32:00           X          X
  Casual set up (after left foot was in position, a small tweak of right foot finished up set up)
  Tweak gives knee forward movement, then back to relaxed position
Second quarter
08:22:00           X          X
  Most adjusting is done when standing up. No intense knee work.
  Once he is happy with set up location, Fargas bends over, satisfied with his position.

Forte pre snap keys Run Setback qb under center

  Forte pre snap keys qb under center:      
        Run: - 7 yards or more setback from line to Forte's feet
  Consistent with charting as far back as Bears-Skins August 18, 2012
Jets-Raiders September 17, 2017
Snap time Down/Yards   = or > than 7 yards       Run
First quarter
04:00:00 Second 10               X          X
Second quarter
05:14:00 First 10               X          X
04:00:00 Second 3               X          X
Third quarter
11:02:00 Second 10               X          X
  This play only had a setback of 7 yards. Normally setback is 7 1/3 yards or more.
  Because of consistency with Bears-Skins August 18, 2012 and Jets-Raiders above:
          - only did Third and Fourth quarters of Jets-Bills November 2, 2017
Jets-Bills November 2, 2017
Third quarter
13:39:00 First 10               X          X
12:33:00 First 10               X          X
11:53:00 Second 9               X          X
  This play only had a setback of 7 1/3 yards. 
04:16:00 First goal               X          X
  This play had a setback of 7 2/3 yards.
  All other Run setbacks in this game were 7 ½ yards
02:26:00 First 10               X Planned run left (Run direction discussed later)
Audible: 10 swing pass
01:26:00 Second 4               X          X
Fourth quarter
11:21:00 First goal               X          X

Matt Forte pre snap keys Pass Setback qb under center

  Forte pre snap keys qb under center:      
        Pass: - setback under 7 yards from line to Forte's feet
  Consistent with charting as far back as Bears-Skins August 18, 2012
Jets-Raiders September 17, 2017
Snap time Down/Yards Setback < 7 yards Setback => 7 yards       Pass   Play action
First quarter 
04:46:00 First 10                                        X          X         X
  Forte looking side to side (pre snap pass key)
04:07:00 First 10              X                                     X
Second quarter
11:37:00 First 10              X                                     X                 
11:00:00 Second 6                                        X                          X
  Forte was part of hi-lo prime and got pass.
  A lot of backs show identical pre snap keys for run-prime. Personal play involvement
  Consistent  pre snap pass keys so will only do Jets-Bills November2, 2017
         Third and fourth quarter
Jets-Bills November 2, 2017
Third quarter
13:02:00 Second 11              X                                     X
  Fourth quarter had no plays re above keys.

Matt Forte Run Direction qb under center

  Forte Run direction qb under center:        
        Left: - pivot left and even with right foot, evolving into a power step left
                 - pivot causes slight body rotation to the left
        Right: - pivot right and even with left foot, evolving into a power step right
                   - pivot causes slight body rotation to the right
        Gut: - smaller pivot right or left, evolving to power step right or left
                - body stays totally forward
Power step defined: - first push off step to drive running back forward in direction he's going
            - similar to a sprinter's setup where one foot becomes trigger for forward movement
         Counter left: - pivot wide right and back of left foot, evolving into power step right
                                - upper body twists toward right sidelines
         Counter right: - pivot wide left and back of right foot, evolving into power step left
                                  - upper body twists toward left sidelines
  Forte does not use deception to determine run direction.
                 - many runners try to disguise direction intent
Therefore:                - in reality, Forte is even a more dynamic runner that his statistics show
Jets-Raiders September  17, 2017
Snap time Down/Yards Left pivot even Right pivot even Small pivot forward Wide pivot rb Wide pivot lb Run direction
First quarter
04:00:00 Second 10                                                                              X                  Counter Left
Second quarter
05:14:00 First 10                                                        X                                           Gut
  Forte has small pivot right, evolving to power step right. Body remains forward.
Third quarter 
11:02:00 Second 10         X                                                                                     Left
  Found consistency in both games so only charted third and fourth quarter of Jets-Bills game.
Jets-Bills November 2, 2017
Third quarter 
13:39:00 First 10         X                                                                                     Left
12:33:00 First 10                                X                                                               Planned right
  Bill's 92 went to his left to plug hole Jets were planning on creating. (not a counter run)
11:53:00 Second 9         X                                                                                     Left
04:16:00 First goal                                X                                                                          Right
02:26:00 First 10         X Offside                                                               Planned left
Audible:  10 swing pass.
02:02:00 First 5                                                                                                 X Counter right
01:26:00 Second 4         X                                                                                     Left
Fourth quarter
11:21:00 First goal                                X                                                                          Right

Carlos Hyde pre snap keys 49ers Vikings August 27, 2017

  Hyde pre snap keys qb under center:        
        Run: - left elbow tucked high or 
                - left elbow flared out
  Play action is run off (run pre snap keys or pass pre snap keys)
49ers-Vikings August 27, 2017
Snap time Down/Yards L elbow tucked high L elbow flared out       Run  Play action       Pass
Second quarter (left elevation)
11:26:00 First 10                X                                          X          X
11:21:00 Second 10                X                          X
06:51:00 Second 10                X                                          X          X
  Hyde pre snap keys qb under center:
       Pass: - left arm straight causing upper body to be higher
49ers-Vikings August 27, 2017
Snap time Down/Yards    L arm straight       Run  Play action       Pass
Second quarter (left elevation)
06:55:00 First 10                                         X                                          X
  These pre snap keys carry thru to 49ers-Rams September 21, 2017
  Second and Third quarter were charted and consistent. Will show a few plays from each quarter

Hyde pre snap keys 49ers Rams September 21, 2017

  Hyde pre snap keys qb under center:        
        Run: - left elbow tucked high or
               - left elbow flared out
  Play action is run off (run pre snap keys or pass pre snap keys)
  There is a side view that is visible from the right side of the defense:
        - hand on the knee, is vertically under middle of jersey number
49ers-Rams September 21, 2017
Snap time Down/Yards L elbow tucked high L elbow flared out       Run  Play action       Pass
Second quarter (left elevation)
14:41:00 Second 10                X                             X
13:07:00 First 10                                       X          X
11:35:00 First 10                X                    Planned run Procedure
11:35:00 First 15                        
Initially:                               X
Reset Hyde puts hands on front of knees. This allows elbow to bend without flaring out. 
Side view: Arm has more bend this way, than when elbows flare out. See 8:30 second quarter to compare.
  If Hyde would have placed hands on outside corners of knees elbow flare out would be required.
  It's a common way backs try to disguise elbow location.
08:30:00 First 10                                       X                           X           X
08:16:00 First 10                                                     X
  Exception # 1 Pitch so Hyde needed to be more upright to go to the side.
05:44:00 First 5               X                             X
05:11:00 Second 3                                       X          X
Third quarter (left elevation)
09:17:00 First 10                                       X                           X           X
09:11:00 First 10                                       X
08:46:00 Second 3                                       X          X
08:17:00 First 10                                       X Planned run/pass option           X
08:14:00 Second 10                                       X
06:21:00 Third goal                                       X          X
05:44:00 Fourth goal                                       X          X
  Hyde pre snap keys qb under center:
       Pass: - left arm straight causing upper body to be higher
  There is a side view that is visible from the right side of the defense:
        - hand on the knee, is vertically under forward (top) part of jersey number
49ers-Rams September 21, 2017
Snap time    L arm straight       Run  Play action       Pass
14:55:00 Down/Yards                                      X                                             X
12:28:00 First 10                                      X                                             X
07:14:00 Second 12                                      X                                   Sacked

Mark Ingram pre snap keys Run-Prime Vikings September 11, 2017

  Ingram pre snap keys:        
         Run-prime: - active setup
                              - similar to golfer addressing ball or
                              - hitter in batters box getting feet in perfect position
Saints-Vikings September 11, 2017
Snap time Down/Yards Active setup Run prime       Pass   Play action
First quarter
09:18:00 Second 19         X        X
Second quarter
09:06:00 First 10         X Hi-lo 22-82          X          X
06:37:00 Second goal         X        X
6:15s Third goal         X        X

Ingram pre snap keys Run-Prime Patriots September 17,2017

  Ingram pre snap keys:            
         Run-prime: - active setup
                              - similar to golfer addressing ball or
                              - hitter in batters box getting feet in perfect position
Saints-Patriots September 17, 2017
Snap time Down/Yards Active setup Run-prime       Pass   Play action
Second quarter
4:42s First 10         X   Prime          X
  Because Ingram is on left side of Brees in shotgun:
  Left foot forward makes this prime. Ingram is going left. If Ingram was running right: 
       - he would have feet even or right foot forward for handoff
  If Ingram was running a pitch left, his feet would have been even as opposed to:
       - left foot forward
Third quarter
07:34:00 First 10         X        X
Fourth quarter
8:01s First 10         X   Prime
Initially: Pass play with Ingram being one of the primes. Patriots 23 sets up inside of D. End.
Audible:  Ingram resets. Now going left.  Patriots 23 sets up outside of D. End. Knows play direction.
  Left foot forward makes this prime. See 4:42s First quarter for explanation.

Mark Ingram pre snap keys Pass Vikings September 11, 2017

  Ingram pre snap keys:         
         Pass: - quiet setup
                   - all foot movement is for getting into setup area as opposed to:
                   - adjusting feet, when already in setup area (run-prime)
Saints-Vikings September 11, 2017
Snap time  Down/Yards Quiet setup       Pass   Play action
First quarter
12:51:00 First 10         X          X          X
Second quarter
11:04s Third 7         X          X
09:57:00 Second 3         X          X          X
  All foot movement for getting into setup area.
9:52s Third 3         X          X          X
07:05:00 First goal         X
  End around. All other backs I've charted treat end around as a running play.
  They setup accordingly. Ingram appears to be an exception.

Ingram pre snap keys Pass Patriots September 17, 2017

  Ingram pre snap keys: 
         Pass: - quiet setup
                   - all foot movement is for getting into setup area as opposed to:
                   - adjusting feet, when already in setup area (run-prime)
Saints-Patriots September 17, 2017
Snap time  Down/Yards Quiet setup       Pass   Play action
First quarter
05:15:00 First 20         X          X          X
4:46s Third 22         X          X
Second quarter
9:47s Third 8         X          X
Third quarter
13:16s Third 7         X          X
06:28:00 First 10         X          X          X
Fourth quarter
6:46s First 10         X          X
5:38s Second 4         X          X
  This foot movement is all repositioning plus last left foot movement for comfort in setup.
05:09:00 First goal         X          X
01:04:00 First 10         X          X
0:46s First 10         X          X
0:28s Second 1         X          X
  Just shown to show consistency in pass play setups for Ingram.

Shane Vareen pre snap key Verification

  Verifying Vareen's current pre snap keys with past games.  
  Charted three games in 2014.
  Patriots-Dolphins September 7, 2014
  Patriots-Vikings September 14, 2014
  Patriots-Raiders September 21, 2014
  The above games show consistency with Vareen's current pre snap keys.
  Looked at, but did not chart, Cowboys-Giants September 10, 2017.
  First half was consistent with Vareen's current pre snap keys

Shane Vareen pre snap keys Run-Prime

  Vareen pre snap keys:      
           Run-prime: - when in final setup, aggressive right knee movement
                                - movement does not cause large body side to side movement
Giants-Lions September 18, 2017
Snap time Down/Yards Right knee movement Minimal upper body movement Run-prime
First quarter
10:26s Third 13                 X                       X          X
Second quarter
00:26:00 First 10                 X                       X          X
Third quarter 
06:45:00 Second goal                 X                       X          X
Audible: Side of run only, cause Lions defensive line was heavy to Giants' right.
Fourth quarter
07:48:00 First 10 Not seen                                                      X
  Not an exception for the following reasons:
Antsy: 1  - turf kicking (toe tapping before foot placement) with both feet
Antsy: 2  - excessive upper body movement not triggered by knee movement
   - quite different from body movement triggered by knee movement (pass)
  Occasionally backs will try to draw attention to themselves on passing plays. Over acting.
  Going Hollywood, but turf kicking is part of antsy and antsy is part of run-prime.
7:03s First 10                 X                      X Prime
6:15s First 10                 X                      X          X
5:26s First 10                 X                      X Prime
  Because of shift, the right knee response was there but lessened.
0:26s First 10                 X                      X          X

Vareen pre snap keys: Run-prime: - when in final setup, aggressive right knee movement - movement does not cause large body side to side movement Giants-Lions September 18, 2017 Snap time Down/Yards Right knee mov

  Vareen pre snap keys:        
           Pass: - quiet setup
                     - any side to side upper body movement triggered by knees
Giants-Lions September 18, 2017
Snap time Down/Yards Quiet setup s/s triggered by knees       Pass Play action
First quarter 
0:07s Third 6                                     X           X
Third quarter 
6:06s Third goal         X                                            X
Fourth quarter
13:54s Third 8                                     X           X
7:26s Second 5                                     X           X          X
  Did not see start of setup, but 28 seconds on play clock, soft side to side triggered by knees.
6:45s Second 5         X                                            X

Hunt pre snap keys Run-Prime

  Hunt pre snap keys:          
          Run-prime: - focus
  Focus can include small peeks, but focus dominates
  Will discuss any peeks that could be wrongly considered side to side
Chiefs-Patriots September 7, 2017
Snap time Down/Yards Focus Run-prime Play action
First quarter
12:00s First 10          X          X
  Couple peeks left and focus.
09:25:00 First 10          X          X
7:03s Second 2          X Prime
  Follows player shift, then takes peek to middle, then forward focus.
6:33p First 10          X          X Hunt shifts into backfield.
4:31s First 10          X Double prime
  Hunt follows player shift and takes a few peeks to centre.
03:48:00 Second goal          X          X
Second quarter
14:44p Second 10          X Hill x
7:22s First 10          X          X
6:45s Second 7          X Option 
2:47s First 10          X          X
2:29s First 14          X          X
2:00s First 10          X                              X
  Initial side to side. Then focus. Hunt focuses before play action. 
0:17s Second goal          X Prime
Third quarter
15:00:00 First 10          X          X
  Watched early player shifts. Then focused.
14:22:00 First 10          X          X
13:58s First 20          X Shuttle pass 87
Audible: Original play, pitch or option right. Hunt followed thru on original play.
13:21:00 Second 13          X Prime
07:08:00 First 10          X          X
4:17s Second 12          X          X
  Took peek to the right, then at player who will shift, then focus.
0:04p First 15          X          X
  Lots of looks left. Once as Hunt is getting down in setup. 
  Then looks forward, then left, then forward and peek right. Then left again. 
  This is not a smooth (camera like scanning) side to side.
Fouth quarter
14:18s First 10          X          X
12:16s Second 10          X Option, qb ran.
8:20p Second 1           X          X
7:33s First 10          X          X
5:19s First goal          X          X
Chiefs-Seahawks  August 25, 2017 (Pre 3)
First quarter
13:07s Second 3          X          X
10:42:00 First 10          X          X
09:59:00 Second 6          X          X
07:52:00 Third 1          X          X
  Hunt peeks both ways but not in a scanning motion like side to side looks for pass plays
3:39s First 10          X          X
02:16:00 First 10          X                              X
Second quarter
13:37s First 10          X Double prime
12:31s Second 5          X Option, qb ran.
03:13:00 First 10          X          X
2:40s Second 3          X
  Contrived side to side. Focused before contrived side to side and focused after.
2:00s Third 1          X          X
1:35s First 10          X Double prime
1:11s Second 1           X Prime but did not get pass. Smith directed 87, larger potential gain.
1:08s Third 1          X          X
0:52s First 10          X Prime but did not get pass. Intense pass rush.
0:41s Third 10          X Secondary receiver

Kareem Hunt pre snap keys Pass

  Hunt pre snap keys:    
          Pass: - looks side to side
Chiefs-Patriots September 7, 2017
Snap time Down/Yards Side to side Pass Play action
First quarter 
08:04:00 First 10           X         X
07:38:00 First 10           X         X
3:55s First goal           X         X
Second quarter
2:07s Second 7           X         X
Third quarter
j9:28s First 10           X         X
4:56p First 10           X         X
Fourth quarter
15:00s Second 3           X         X
12:21s First 10           X         X
8:55s First 10           X         X
Chiefs-Seahawks August 25, 2017 (Pre 3)
First quarter 
2:56s Second 4           X         X
Second quarter
13:12s First 16                            X
Exception # 1 Hunt was focused.
00:46:00 Second 10           X Dump pass

Ray Rice pre snap keys Run-Prime

  Rice pre snap keys quarterback under centre:    
          Run-prime: - left leg rocking
                                - continues to focus on qb when player shifts in backfield
  Leg rocking defined: - a jerky knee motion in both directions
Ravens-Steelers December 2, 2012
Snap time Leg rocking   Run-prime
First quarter
06:32:00          X         X
Second quarter
15:00:00          X         X
12:03:00          X         X
05:16:00          X         X
  Rice focuses on qb when 81 shifts.
04:44:00                            X
  Exception # 1
Third quarter
10:59:00         X         X
09:46:00         X         X
09:07:00         X         X
  Harrison 92 caused Rice to peek. Still totally focused on qb.
  As soon as handoff was not an option, you knew Rice was Prime.
Ravens-Texans January 15, 2012
First quarter
11:12:00         X         X
Third quarter 
14:25:00         X         X
11:45:00         X         X
04:01:00         X         X
02:45:00         X         X
01:59:00         X         X
Fourth quarter
15:00:00         X Prime
04:30:00         X         X
03:09:00         X         X
03:01:00         X         X
  Blitz coming. Hot read to 81

Rice pre snap keys Pass

  Rice pre snap keys: - no knee rocking, may have a single forward movement
                                      - follows player shift (helmet rotation) or eyes only
                                      - may look side to side re blocking
Ravens-Texans January 15, 2012
Snap time Quiet knees Helmet rotation player shift Side to side Pass
First quarter
08:13:00                                                                           X
  Did not see complete setup. That knee movement is not knee rocking.
  Knee rocking is more pronounced and happens at start of setup when hands touch knees
02:33:00                                                        X          X
01:13:00          X                                                        X
Third quarter
06:45:00                                                        X          X
Ravens-Patriots January 22, 2012
First quarter
00:36:00          X                        X                    44 dump
  Knee just goes forward. No rocking. Looks at player prior to shift.
  If it's backfielder prime, Rice would have knee rocking and no look at player shift.
Second quarter
03:00:00          X                        X          X 27 dump
02:25:00                                                        X          X
Third quarter 
09:00:00          X                                               X
7:00s                                                        X          X
6:56s                                                        X          X

Ray Rice pre snap keys Run Direction Right

  Rice pre snap keys Run direction:   
          Starts right: - left foot back when in final setup
  Normally Rice would continue in same run dirction as his first step.
          - counters were the exception
  However, Rice normally followed his fullback's blocking:
          - fullback pre snap keys showed blocking direction
          - fullback pre snap keys also showed run verses pass
  Therefore if Rice was showing run and starting out going right and
  Fullback was showing run and and going right
          - play was a run right
Ravens-Texans January 15, 2012
Snap time Left foot back Starts out right Run-prime right Play action right
First quarter 
11:12:00         X             X              X
08:49:00         X             X              X
08:13:00         X             X                                         X
07:39:00         X             X              X
06:56:00         X             X                                         X
01:47:00         X             X              X
01:13:00         X             X                                         X
Second quarter
02:53:00         X             X              X
Third quarter
15:00:00         X             X              X
14:25:00         X             X              X
00:25:00         X             X              X
Fourth quarter
15:00:00         X             X              X
04:30:00         X             X              X
The above was consistent with:
Ravens-Patriots January 22, 2012
Ravens-Steelers December 2, 2012

Rice pre snap keys Run direction Left

  Rice pre snap keys Run direction:        
         Starts left: - feet even when in final setup
Ravens-Texans January 15, 2012
Snap time Feet even Starts out left Run-prime left Play action left
First quarter
09:56:00          X            X                                  X
Third quarter
11:45:00          X            X           X
04:01:00          X            X           X
03:27:00          X
  Exception: - quiet knees (should have been a pass) – was a run
                      - feet even (should have been a run left) – was a run right
  If I could have seen complete Rice and Flacco movements pre snap, would have known what happened
02:45:00          X
Audible: Flacco audibled for direction change.  
01:59:00          X            X           X
Fourth quarter
07:21:00          X            X           X
Ravens-Patriots January 22, 2012
Third quarter
03:26:00          X            X           X
02:11:00          X            X                     
  Counter right. Play busted up by 50 Nikinovich.
07:07:00          X            X
  Counter right.  
06:29:00          X            X           X
  If Rice runs counters, he throws off run direction keys.
Ravens-Steelers December 2, 2012
First quarter
07:06:00          X            X           X
Second quarter
12:03:00          X            X           X
05:16:00          X            X           X
04:44:00          X
  Exception on two fronts. 
                  - no knee rocking
                  - run right
  Accuracy pre snap keys: Knee rocking to predict runs 12/14 = 86%
  Accuracy pre snap keys: Initial direction 13/15 = 87%
  Accuracy pre snap keys: Run direction 10/14 = 71%
                  - two counter and two wrong directions
  If all of Rice and Flacco signals would have benn possible to see, only counters would not be accurate.

DeMarco Murray pre snap keys Setback for Run-Prime

  Murray pre snap keys:      
             Run-prime: setback over 6 ½ yards
  Setback defined: - distance of Murray's toes to line of scrimmage
  Run-prime: runs by any back (includes end aroun)
Patriots-Cowboys October 16, 2011
Snap time Setback > 6 ½ yds Run-prime Setback 6 ½ yds or < Pass
First quarter
06:56:00              X            X
06:15:00              X            X
Second quarter
06:48:00              X            X
06:11:00              X                                                                   X
  Audible. Bryant adjusts glove. Prime key. 
05:28:00              X            X
04:51:00              X            X
Red zone:
02:33:00              X            X
02:00:00              X        Prime
  As soon as play action happens, you know back or fullback are prime.
01:17:00              X            X
Third quarter
09:47:00              X            X
09:32:00              X            X
08:08:00              X            X
Red zone:
00:30:00              X            X
Fourth quarter
14:24:00              X            X
13:14:00              X            X
08:34:00              X            X
03:36:00              X            X
02:52:00              X            X
The above keys continue in Rams game October 23, 2011

DeMarco Murray pre snap keys Setback for Pass

  Murray pre snap keys:
             Pass: - setback 6 ½ yards or less
                       - side to side looks (discussed later)
Pats-Cowboys Oct. 16, 2011
Snap time Setback > 6 ½ yds Run-prime Setback 6 ½ yds or < Pass
Third quarter
07:12:00                                                                      X Dump off to Murray.
  Audible. Whitten is shown where pass will go. Whitten answered audible.
Fourth quarter
13:53:00                                                                     X         X
Rams-Cowboys Oct. 23, 2011
First quarter
00:39:00                                                                      X         X
Second quarter
14:23:00                                                                      X         X
  Bryant is prime. Glove adjustment.  Romo asks Murray to move back.
  Moves back to 6 ½ yards, then moves even farther. Play still same.
  Romo just using deception to have defense focus on Murray.
12:30:00                                                                      X         X
  Normally on play action Murray would have setback over 6 ½ yds.

Murray pre snap keys Looks to Predict Plays

  Murray pre snap keys:
             Pass: - looks side to side
Patriots-Cowboys October 16, 2011
Snap time Side to side Pass
Second quarter (right elevation)
06:11:00         X          X
Third quarter (right elevation)
09:32:00         X          X
8:48s         X          X
Fourth quarter (left elevation)
15:00s          X          X
13:53:00          X          X
9:09s          X          X
Steelers-Cowboys December 16, 2012
2<font>nd</font><font> quarter (right elevation)</font>
11:54s          X          X
11:07:00          X          X
6:03s          X          X
4:01s          X          X
3:19s          X          X
  Murray pre snap keys:
             Run-prime: - focused
                                  - occasionally may take a peek in either direction
  Includes any backfielder Run-Prime and End Around

Murray pre snap keys Run Inside Tackles

  Murray pre snap keys:
             Runs between tackles: 
                   - arms bent at elbows, flare out from body a little
                   - linebackers will see shorter front jersey numbers
                   - lower upper body
Rams-Cowboys October 23, 2011
Snap time Arms bent Run between tackles
First quarter
09:47:00 X X
03:39:00 X X
  Murray's large side pivot gives away counter run
Second quarter
12:59:00 X X
06:44:00 X X
02:00:00 X X
Third quarter
12:22:00 X
Audible: Bryant adjusts glove. Murray gets a dump pass.
Steelers-Cowboys December 16, 2012
First quarter
12:40:00 X X
04:47:00 X X
00:55:00 X Play action inside tackles

DeMarco Murray pre snap keys Run Outside Tackles

             Runs outside tackles:
                   - arms straight
                   - linebackers will see taller front jersey numbers
                   - higher upper body
Rams-Cowboys October 23, 2011
Snap time Arms straight Run outside tackles
Second quarter 
07:20:00 X X
03:34:00 X X
01:18:00 X X
Third quarter 
15:00:00 X X
14:18:00 X X
Steelers-Cowboys December 16, 2012
First quarter
11:34:00 X X
03:26:00 X
  Play action going outside tackles.
01:52:00 X X
Second quarter 
05:21:00 X X
04:43:00 X Play was 3rd and 1
  Murray ran inside tackles, which is normal on 3rd and 1

DeMarco Murray pre snap keys Run Up Gut

              Delays up gut:  
                   - arms straight
Rams-Cowboys October 23, 2011
Snap time Arms straight Delay up gut
Second quarter
07:51:00 X X
02:59:00 X X
Steelers-Cowboys December 16, 2012
First quarter
00:51:00 X X

DeMarco Murray pre snap keys Setbacks Pre 3 August 27, 2017

  Murray pre snap keys: 
             Run-prime: setback over 6 ½ yards
  Run-prime: runs by any back (includes end around)
Titans-Bears August 27, 2017 Pre 3
Snap time Setback > 6 ½ yards Run-prime
First quarter
14:24:00 X X
  Taylor end around
13:19:00 X X
12:38:00 X X
Second quarter
12:11:00 X X
11:25:00 X                    Play action pass
08:42:00 X                    Play action pass
  Murray pre snap keys: 
             Pass: setback 6 ½ yards or less
Snap time Setback 6 ½ yards or less                    Pass
First quarter
03:16:00 X                    X
Second quarter
12:47:00 ?                    X
  Murray in end zone. Could not tell exact setback.

DeMarco Murray pre snap keys Looks August 27, 2017

  Murray pre snap keys:
             Pass: - looks side to side
Bears-Titans August 27, 2017
Snap time Side to side Psss
First quarter
11:18s X X
03:16:00 X X
2:41s X X
1:58s X X
Second quarter 
12:47:00 X X
11:25:00 X X
10:38s X X
08:42:00 ? X
  Appeared to start side to side, then camera pulled away.
  Murray pre snap keys:
             Run-prime: - focused
                                  - occasionally may peek in either direction, then focuses
                                  - may also follow shifting player in early part of final setup
-------------------------------------------------------------------   -----------------------

DeMarco Murray pre snap keys Run Inside, Outside Tackles August 27, 2017

  Murray pre snap keys:
             Run inside tackles: 
                  - arms bent at elbows, flare out from body a little
                  - linebackers will see shorter front jersey numbers
                  - corners will see a lower upper body
Titans-Bears August 27, 2017
Snap time Arms bent Run between tackles
First quarter
13:19:00         X               X
12:38:00         X               X
2<font>nd</font><font> quarter</font>
12:11:00         X               X
10:51s         ?               X
  Couldn't see arms properly.
  Murray pre snap keys:
             Run outside tackles:
                  - arms straight
                  - linebackers will see taller front jersey numbers
                  - corners will see a higher upper body
Snap time Arms straight Run outiside tackles
First quarter
15l:00s         X               X
  Murray takes peeks in both directions. This is not a side to side big helmet rotation.
14:24:00         X Fake pitch, wide right. Taylor runs end around.
12:03s         X               X

Willis McGahee pre snap keys Evolving for Run December 4, 2005

  McGahee pre snap keys:        
           Run: - rocking motion
                   - forward motion
  Rocking motion: - rock whole body forwards and backwards
                           - motion created by rocking knees
                           - antsy, anxious to get going 
  Forward motion: - can be head going forward, pre snap
                           - can be whole body leaning forward in slight motion, pre snap
                           - antsy 
  Whole process of McGahee setting up, required for proper analysis.
  Once hands on thighs, need minimum 4 seconds pre snap to determine if any motion.
                           - forward motion to rocking motion
  This rocking motion carried into early part of 2007 season
  McGahee's evolving pre snap keys only involved running plays
Buffalo-Miami December 4, 2005
Time Rocking motion No rocking motion Run Pass Forward motion
First quarter
07:34:00                                                         X                 X
07:22:00                                                         X            X
04:07:00                            X X                                      
Not an exception:                                                                             
  Immediately lowered head as he does for run position.
  Therefore McGahee did not have to lower body for run position
03:20:00                                                         X            X
  McGahee also lowers head
Second quarter
11:35:00                                                         X            X
  McGahee leans forward pre snap
03:56:00                                                         X            X
  McGahee leans forward pre snap
Third quarter
12:55:00                            X X Exception to tendencies
12:05:00 X                              X
05:35:00 X                              X
03:29:00 X                              X

McGahee pre snap keys Run December 17, 2005

  McGahee pre snap keys:        
          Run:- rocking motion
  Rocking motion: - rock whole body forwards and backwards
                                - motion created by rocking knees
                                - antsy, anxious to get going
Denver-Buffalo December 17, 2005
Time Rocking motion Run Pass
First quarter
14:54:00 X X
14:04:00 X X
13:18:00 X                     X
  Exception # 1
12:13:00 X X
10:25:00                            X
  Play happened tot fast for McGahee to get antsy. He was quiet for this run.
  Four seconds + is the threshhold where he feels he has to move (antsy) in set postion.
08:46:00 X X
02:36:00 X                     X
  Exception # 2
:07 X X
Second quarter
10:57:00 X X
(play stopped)
07:30:00 X X
Third quarter
07:27:00 X X
  Pre snap key changes happen once in a while. My flow charts are good predictors.
  Once I have my base reads of pre snap keys on a player, changes found in minutes.
  Misleading keys are easy to filter out.
  Above only 80% accurate but have lots of material reaching 85% + threshold I require.

Willis McGahee pre snap keys Pass December 17, 2005

  McGahee pre snap keys:        
         Pass: - upper body normally a little higher
                   - quiet (no rocking, no forward motion, no antsy)
  McGahee never looks side to side on run plays. Occasionally s/s on pass plays.
Denver-Buffalo December 17, 2005
Time No rocking motion Pass
First quarter
14:27:00 X X
12:33:00 X X
10:44:00 X X
03:12:00 X X
03:05:00 X X
Second quarter
15:00:00 X X
11:39:00 X X
10:46:00 X X
10:19:00 X X
Third quarter
10:46:00 X X
09:42:00 X X
08:10:00 X X
  Exception # 1 McGahee ends up with a forward lean. Not a normal pass setup.
:12 X X
:05 X X
  Run/pass pre snap keys 21/24
  Accuracy: 88%

Willis McGahee pre snap keys Run 2007

  McGahee pre snap keys:        
           Run: - rocking knees
Basically the same since 2005
Rocking knees defined: - moving knees back and forth,  causing upper body to also move
Ravens-Jets September 16, 2007
Time  Down/yard Knees rocking Run
First quarter
10:26:00 First/10 X X Fumble, show run
03:58:00 First/10 X X
01:30:00 First/10 X X
:39 First/10 X X
Second quarter 
14:50:00 First/10 X X
Third quarter 
08:40:00 First/10 X Flag, but run blocking
08:16:00 First/10 X X
  McGahee pre snap keys:
           Run: - rocking knees
Basically the same since 2005
Rocking knees defined: - moving knees back and forth,  causing upper body to also move
Ravens-Jets September 16, 2007
Time Down/yard Knees rocking Run
Second quarter 
13:25:00 First/10 X X
01:02:00 First/10 X X
:19 Sec/goal X X
Third quarter 
12:31:00 Sec/10 X X
01:13:00 First/10 X X
Fourth quarter
09:45:00 Sec/4 X X
07:57:00 Sec/6 X X
03:03:00 Sec/10 X X
01:04:00 First/10 X X   
:57 Sec/ 9 X X

Willis McGahee pre snap keys Pass to other than Backfielder

  McGahee pre snap keys:        
           Pass to other than backfielders:
                  - quick, quiet setup
                  - left shin is upright, vertical (backfielder prime left shin not upright)
                  - back is straight (as opposed to arched)
Left elevation will be used to demonstrate eg. Looking at at left side of McGahee re shin
Ravens-Bengals September 10, 2007
Time Down/yards Left shin upright Back straight Pass
Second quarter (left elevation)
15:00:00 First/10 X X X
13:18:00 First/10 X X X
07:21:00 First/10 X X X
Third quarter (left elevation)
09:40:00 First/10 X X X
08:40:00 First/15 X X X
07:26:00 Sec/7 X X X
                  Pass play intended                                                                                       
04:05:00 Sec/1 X X X
03:46:00 First/10 X X X
01:17:00 First/10 X X X
                  Pass is dump off to McGahee                                                                        
Ravens-Cardinals September 23, 2007
Second quarter (left elevation)
14:50:00 First/10 X X X  
09:07:00 First/10 X X X  

Willis McGahee pre snap keys Prime

Once McGahee has shown (PASS)            
McGahee's Pre-Snap Keys when he is PRIME RECEIVER
  1. Forward lean with left shin
  2. Forward lean with body
  3. Arched back
  4. Knee movement:
                           a. forward to position body in a more ready for action position
                    b. antsy (may or may not be present)
Note: McGahee's arched back signifies the following:
  McGahee is involved directly in play (running or prime receiver).
  Arched back (shows up outline of hip from side)
  On regular pass plays, hip is straighter with line of back from side view
  Comparison (arched vs. straight)
  Ravens-Jets September 16, 2007 Third quarter 12:37 (back straight)
  Ravens-Jets September 16, 2007 Third quarter 12:31 (back arched)
  Arched back makes front jersey numbers appear taller.
  A more vertical profile of the numbers is shown.
  McGahee's hip outline when back arched.
  McGahee's hip outline when back arched.
Note: McGahee's knee movement is  of two varieties.
  1. knee rocking key for running plays
  Definition: Aggressive back and forth motion (ends in forward position)
  2. knee motion for passing plays (McGahee prime receiver)
           a. forward motion to position body in a more ready for action position.
           b. slight knee movement ending in forward position.

McGahee pre snap keys Prime

  Ravens-Bengals September 10, 2007          
  Time Down/yards Shin forward lean Body forward lean Arched back Prime
  Third quarter (left elevation)
  07:19:00 Sec/12 X X X X
  Ravens-Jets September 16, 2007
  Second quarter (left elevation)
  12:32:00 First/10 X X X X
  Receiving area is cleared for McGahee but he gets held up at the line.
  Pass becomes a (dump off) pass.
  Fourth quarter (left elevation)
  08:38:00 First/10 X X X X
  Lower stance, forward lean, small knee movement, back is arched, shows hip outline.
  It is not like run play knee rocking.
  Ravens-Cardinals September 23, 2007
  Second quarter (left elevation)
  04:16:00 Sec/17 X X X X
  Normally using only 4 examples aren't anywhere near population required to be valid.
However, in early 2006, when I did work for the Buffalo Bills through Marv Levy:
  Worked on helping both McGahee and Losman to disguise Pre-snap keys.
  There are three ways to disguise Pre-snap keys:
  1. blending run and pass keys which McGahee attempted to do.
  2. make run and pass keys the look same which Losman successfully did.
  3  give lots of keys, with some live, some not, like Brady and Peyton Manning
  Brady also is a master of illusion. Gets your attention to look one way with movements:
        - at the same time, getting signals to player who is prime or whatever
McGahee worked on trying to blend the knee work.  That's why I can see difference easily.
Note: When players try to make pre snap keys the same for run and pass, eg mentioned Losman above:
        - if one set of pre snaps (run or pass) is automatic, contrived pre snap keys added for blending purposes
  THE CONTRIVED PRE SNAP KEYS FOR RUN ( are simply the automatic pre snap keys for pass)
I have a very good example of this and I'll see if I can find it in my archives.
  The Oakland Raiders had three excellent running backs that they rotated in the game. 
  Each running back had specific automatic pre snap keys.
  Each of the three backs added contrived pre snap keys of the other two.
  That way it seemed like all three backs had the same pre snap keys.
  They did a mixing of signals:
        - running back A had certain automatic pre snap keys for his run plays
        - running backs B and C would add these keys in a contrived fashion for their pass plays
  - B and C would still have their individual automatic pre snap keys for pass plays
  They scrambled everything up and did a really good job of it.
  Took a while to definitively separate them and I'd like to show it to you as an aid:

McGahee Run Direction Keys

  McGahee tips off run direction with early moves, starting from set postion.  
  1. Small pivot left and go left
      Small pivot right and go right
  2. Large, wide pivot left.................................counter-right
      Small power step left (a few inches back)
      Then a small pivot right.............................counter-left
  3. Pivot left with trunk rotation
      Before hand-off................................up the gut
  1. Power step left, run right
  2. Power step right, run left
  1. Trunk rotation defined with timed examples in games
      Simply a twisting of the upper body to sell that you are going in that direction. 
  2. Power step is the leg that moves back to give the running back a sprinter's stance.
      Common way of powering out of backfield

Willis McGahee Run Direction power step Left

  McGahee tips off run direction with first move from set position.    
  McGahee's run direction is opposite of his power step.
  Definition: - power step side is the leg that moves back, to give the back a sprinter's stance.
                    - common way of powering out of backfield
  Ravens-Bengals September 10, 2007
  Time Down/yards Power step left Run right
  First quarter (right elevation)
  13:32:00 Sec/ 5 X X
  03:58:00 First/10 X X
  Second quarter (left elevation)
  06:48:00 Sec/ 6 X X
  Ravens-Jets September 16, 2007
  First quarter (right elevation)
  14:30:00 Sec/ 7 X X
  Second quarter (left elevation)
  01:02:00 First/10 X X
  Fourth quarter (right elevation)
  07:57:00 Sec/ 6 X X
  Ravens-Cardinals September 23, 2007
  Second quarter (left elevation)
  13:41:00 Sec/ 2 X X
  Designed to go right
  Third quarter (right elevation)
  05:01:00 First/10 X X
  02:53:00 First/10 X X

McGahee Run Direction Power Step Right

  McGahee tips off run direction with first move from set postion  
  To continue with previous page, this one shows Power Step Right
  Ravens-Jets September 16, 2007
  Time Down/yards Power step right Run left
  Second quarter (left elevation)
  :34 Third/ 1 X X
  Third quarter (left elevation)
  12:31:00 Sec/10 X X
  01:13:00 First/10 X X
  Fourth quarter (right elevation)
  03:03:00 Sec/10 X X
  :57 Sec/ 9 X X
  Ravens-Cardinals September 23, 2007
  First quarter (right elevation)
  15:00:00 First/10 X X
  Fourth quarter (left elevation)
  08:11:00 First/10 X X

Willis McGahee Run directions Pivot Right Pivot Left

  McGahee tips off run direction with first move from set position
  Run direction is to the same side as his pivot
  Pivot right: - run right
  Ravens-Bengals September 10, 2007
  Time Down/yards Pivot right Run right
  First quarter (right elevation)
  08:21:00 First/10 X X
  07:53:00 Sec/5 X X
  Second quarter (left elevation)
  14:50:00 First/10 X X
  Ravens-Jets September 16, 2007
  First quarter (right elevation)
  15:00:00 First/10 X Up gut
  Play got blown up by 63 Robertson. 
  12:45:00 First/10 X X
  Ravens-Cardinals September 23, 2007
  First quarter (right elevation)
  04:25:00 Sec/3 X X
  Pivot left: - run left
  Ravens-Bengals September 10, 2007
  Time Down/yards Pivot left Run left
  Fourth quarter (right elevation)
  10:43:00 Sec/6 X X
  Ravens-Cardinals September 23, 2007
  First quarter (right elevation)
  13:58:00 First/10 X X

Willis McGahee run direction keys Up the Gut

  McGahee runs up the gut:    
           - use of a power step or
           - use of a pivot
  Both methods involve trunk rotation (defined earlier)
  Up the gut (POWER STEP)
  Ravens-Bengals September 10, 2007
  Time Down/yards Power step left Power step right Up the gut
  First quarter (right elevation)
  01:30:00 First/10 X                         X
  McGahee turns trunk of body to the left. Actually turns a little prior to snap.
  The power step left without trunk turning indicates a run to the right.
  Third quarter (left elevation)
  04:24:00 First/10                         X X
  McGahee rotates trunk to the right.
  Defensive right end shifted and prevented the run (up the gut)
  02:36:00 Sec/5 X                         X
  McGahee rotates trunk to the left.
  Up the gut (PIVOT)
  Ravens-Jets September 16, 2007
  Time Down/yards Pivot left Pivot right Up the gut
  Second quarter (left elevation)
  :19 Sec/goal X                         X
  McGahee rotates trunk in conjunction with left pivot.
  Third quarter (left elevation)
  05:33:00 Sec/ 3 X                         X
  McGahee rotates with pivot. Blocking set up for up the gut run
  Fourth quarter (right elevation)
  09:45:00 Sec/ 4 X                         X
  01:04:00 First/10 X                         X
  :50 Third/ 3 X                         X
  Blocking set up for up the gut run, but collapsed.
  Ravens-Cardinals September 23, 2007
  Second quarter (left elevation)
  13:04:00 First/10 X                         X
  Third quarter (right elevation)
  10:13:00 First/10 X                         X
  Fourth quarter (left elevation)
43 10:12:00 First/10 X                         X

Tomlinson: Introduction to the Hall of Famer

  Tomlinson, Hall of Fame running back, and one of NFL's all time greats:  
            - check out his plethora of NFL records, 
            - check out his production consistency
            - a very, very special player
  Like I mentioned elsewhere, when things are done perfectly in any physical action:
            - the brain commits all phases of action to muscle memory
            - automatic if you will
  The precision of every football play, with all it's moving parts has 100's of possible pre snap keys.
            - coaches and players catch most of them but some slip by undetected
            - you can't specialize in everything
  In addition, when pre snap keys are noticed, changes are made to eliminate or minimize effect

Tomlinson Pre Snap Keys Run-Prime

Tomlinson pre snap keys quarterback under center:

            Run-prime: head up
  Easy reference point- (helmet logo in relation to back of jersey (side view)
Jets-Steelers Jan. 23, 2011
Time Down/Yards Head up Head Lower Run-prime Pass
1st quarter
05:44:00 2nd 10 X   X  
04:56:00 3rd 10 X     X
  Audibled from a run play.
2nd quarter                                                                                                                                              
3rd quarter
14:46:00 1st 10 X   X  
13:54:00 2nd 2 X   X  
00:33:00 1st 10 X    X  
4th quarter
09:09:00 3rd 2 X      
  Shifts out of backfield
07:53:00 3rd goal X     X
  Exception # 1
07:50:00 4th goal   X X  
  Tomlinson is way forward and much lower than normal. Has a low, low battering ram setup.
  Exception # 2. Just psyching himself up for an important run.
06:16:00 3rd 1 X   X  
  Tomlinson does not seem to tip off run in shotgun.

LaDainian Tomlinson Pre Snap Keys Pass

  Tomlinson pre snap keys quarterback under center      
           Pass: head lower
  Easy reference point (helmet logo in relation to back of jersey (side view)
  Sometimes on pass plays you will see Tomlinson's helmet going side to side (for pass blocking).
  Tomlinson used to do side to side on all pass plays. Then he started using visor.
  Now Tomlinson looks side to side with eye flashes (can see whites of eyes thru visor)
  Needed to find a pre snap keys replacement. Found (head up- head lower) to separate run-prime with pass.
  Jets-Steelers Jan. 23, 2011
  Time Down/Yards Head up Head lower Run-prime Pass
  1st quarter
  05:46:00 1st 10   X   X
  2nd quarter
  01:53:00 1st 10   X   X
  3rd quarter
  00:50:00 1st 10   X   X
  4th quarter
  15:00:00 2nd 5   X   X
  14:54:00 1st 10   X   X
  14:26:00 2nd 10   X   X
  08:31:00 2nd goal   X   X
  06:44:00 2nd 10   X   X
  Tomlinson does not seem to tip off run in shotgun

Coleman Pre Snap Keys Run Direction Broncos and Saints


Coleman pre snap keys:


      Run-prime: - after setup, focus




 -same as Freeman


      Pass: - after setup, side to side looks



      Run direction: - look or peek in direction of run



 - takes a look or peek in direction of run



 - follows movement of shifting player to side of run


Consistent at least as far back as:


Falcons-Broncos Oct. 9, 2016 to Falcons-Patriots Feb. 5, 2017


Coleman's complete setup, right up to snap, must be seen, to chart.


Falcons-Broncos Oct. 9, 2016


Snap time



Look left

Look right

Run-prime left

Run-prime right

1st quarter 



2nd 7







Coleman looks right, at player who will be shifting, and follows shift to centre.


Coleman stops following and focuses cause run is to the right.


1st 10







Coleman's upper body turns to the right, so he gets his right side look. 


At no time does the helmet rotate to the left.


2nd quarter 



1st 10






Did not see from setup to snap, however did see a small left helmet rotation.


Rotation also included an eye flash left, for a better, longer left look.

Eye-flash defined: - moving eyes before helmet rotation to get longer look


Falson-Saints Jan. 1, 2016


2nd quarter 



1st goal




Planned counter right


Peeks left and looks right. Focus with looks both ways indicate counter.


3rd quarter 



1st 10







Two peeks right (play clock 0.12 and 0.10)



1st 10







1st 10






Focus with peek left. On reset, just focus.


4th quarter 



2nd 7







1st 10







2nd 6








Tevin Coleman pre snap keys Run Direction Super Bowl:


      Run direction: - look or peek in direction of run



 - takes a look or peek in direction of run



 - follows movement of shifting player to side of run


Falcons-Patriots Feb. 5, 2017


Snap time



Look left

Look right

Run-prime left

Run-prime right

1st quarter 



1st 10







Freeman focused, so run-prime. Coleman focused except for many peeks right.


Coleman is not looking side to side (pass key) just to the right (side of run)


Ryan brings feet closer together, so not passing.



2nd 8






Initially, Coleman takes two peeks at player who will be shifting.


Coleman follows player shift and focuses.


By following player shift, Coleman can get his peek in direction of run.


Coleman's feet even across toes, so if a run, will swing away left.


Ryan brings left foot back to facilitate pitch left.


Patriots 53, Van Roy immediately picked up on Ryan's left foot shift, and sets up for run.


2nd quarter 



1st 10







3rd quarter 



1st 10







Coleman looks right, then looks at fullback.


As soon as fullback starts shifting, you know it's a run right.


Coleman likes to look at player shifting, even before shift.



1st goal







Line is showing pass blocking, but they do that on run plays as well.


As soon as play action happens, you know it's Coleman prime.


2nd 1






Coleman looks right, at player who will be shifting, and rotates to take a peek left.


Coleman then follows shifting player to the left to get his second peek left.


This is why it is important:


      - Coleman likes to look at shifting player, prior to shift


      - if Coleman follows shifing player to other side, confirms side of run


4th quarter 



1st 10







Coleman takes noticeable peek right.


Coleman takes a very small peek left which is an exception.


Once 16 shifts, it confirms run is to right side. Run play never in doubt. Focus.


2nd 2




Counter left



Larry Johnson Introduction to Pre Snap Keys for Colts Super Bowl Win 2006

Johnson was the top NFL running back in 2006. 


He was spectacular and a pleasure to watch.


In week 17 Johnson ran for 138 yards on 33 carries against Jacksonville.

      - 9th ranked run defense allowing just 104.2 yards per game


Indianapolis Colts defense was last against the run in 2006:


      -  32nd ranked run defense allowing 173 yards per game


      -  Dec. 10, allowed 375 yards rushing vs. Jacksonville on 42 carries

      -  just under 9 yard average per carry.


Indy had a light team that was talented and extremely fast, however:


      - teams would just road grader the defensive line and easily get into the secondary


In the first playoff game of Colts Super Bowl run in the 2006 season:


Johnson's first running play, 5 Colts not only attacked the play as a run:

      -  they immediately went in the right direction to stop the run


Johnson also gave up run direction with first step taken:


      -  foot used (left or right) and type of step taken



 - power step (bringing either foot back to get into a sprinter setup)


          - very aggressive action



 - pivot (small side step with either foot)



 - goes softly forward so he can change directions in backfield


          - used on counters

Johnson Pre Snap Keys Run Prime


Marquee player in 2006. Pundits expected 200 yards (run and prime) vs 32nd ranked run defense.


       - gained 8 yards in first 5 carries


       - gained 32 yards for whole game


Johnson pre snap keys:


       Run-prime: - setback 4 2/3 yards or more


Setback defined: -distance from Johnson's helmet to back part of quarterback


       Play action: - setback 5yard range, Johnson always PRIME.


Chiefs-Jaguars Dec. 31, 2006


Snap time






Play action

!st quarter



1st 10

5 yards





2nd 2

5 yards


Screen left




If there was a play action with a 5 yard setback, Johnson was prime.



1st 10

5 yards





1st 10

5 yards





2nd 10

5 yards


X draw



1st 10

5 yards




2nd quarter



1st 10

5 yards minus inches





1st 10

5 yards





1st goal

5 yards





3rd goal

5 yards





4th goal

5 yards minus inches





1st 10

5 yards


Prime right




2nd 7

5.5 yards





1st 10

5 yards






Fake reverse, Johnson prime receiver, Green scrambles.



1st 10

5 yards


Exception # 1 Flea flicker




Johnson pre snap keys Pass:


       Pass: - setback less than 4 2/3 yards


Setbacks were basically 4 yards or less with one being 4 1/3 yards


Chiefs-Jaguars Dec. 31, 2006


Snap time






Play action

1st quarter



1st 10

3.5 yards




2nd 8

3  yards



2nd quarter



1st 10

4 1/3 yards




2nd goal

3 2/3 yards




2nd 10

4  yards

Exception # 2

Screen left


On third down and long (Johnson not directly involved)


1st quarter



3rd 8

4  yards




3rd 8

3.5 yards


2nd quarter



3rd 6

3.5 yards



3rd quarter


Done, but cannot find backup material. 14 plays were charted. Only one exception.



3rd 7


Exception # 3



Exception to Johnson not being used directly  on 3rd and long.



2nd 9

4  yards

Planned x



Accuracy: 35/38   = 92%


If my work does not reach a tolerance of 85% accuracy, it is normally chucked.


In defense of pre snap keys:


Both teams know football keys, so offenses can show pass and (RUN), show run and (PASS).


Note: If offense is aware of it's pre snap keys, and tries to pass off bad information:


  - a good pre snap reader can tell real from contrived or forced pre snap keys.


Will discuss at later date, ways to identify contrived pre snap keys vs automatic pre snap keys.


Jamal Lewis Pre Snap Keys Run Prime


Jamal Lewis pre snap keys:


      Run-prime: - settles in quick and quiet


   -no extra movements after setup


Expanded description given to Colts:


Jamal setup is earlier and is in set position prior to McNair being set.


Only charted plays where complete setup could be seen.


Ravens-Steelers Dec. 24, 2006









1st quarter



1st 10





1st 10





1st 10




2nd quarter



1st 10





1st 10




3rd quarter



2nd 1


Fullback 34 runs



1st 10





1st 15





2nd 4




4th quarter



1st 10





2nd 10


Planned x




2nd quarter



2nd 10





3rd quarter



2nd 6







Lewis pre snap keys Pass:



      Pass: - settles in late or slow


   - in relation to McNair setting up under centre







2nd quarter



1st 10





1st 10





2nd 11




3rd quarter



1st 10




4th quarter



2nd 9



Lewis prime


Exception # 1 – setup should have been quick


 - like 6:27 prime above


Accuracy: - 17/18 = 94%



Freeman Super Bowl Pre Snap Keys Run Prime


Freeman pre snap keys:


        Run-prime: - focus


After final setup, Freeman's look remains focused


Broncos-Falcons Oct. 9, 2016  up to Seahawks-Falcons Jan. 14, 2017


        -shows strong consistency


Saints-Falcons Jan.1, 2017


After setup


After setup




Snap time




Side to side



1st quarter (left elevation)



1st 10






1st 10





2nd quarter (right elevation)



1st 10






1st 10






1st 10






1st 10






2nd 3





Freeman head roll (run key). Done earlier games but in Super Bowl, very often.

Falcons-Patriots Feb. 5, 2017


1st quarter (right elevation)


Head roll



1st 10







1st 10







1st 10


Worth explaining.

Coleman run right


Seen from 0.20 seconds on play clock.

Coleman like to peek in direction of run.


Coleman peeks right 3 times. Ryan's moves feet together so it's not a pass.


1st 10






2nd quarter (left elevation)



1st 10







1st 10






2nd 1






3rd quarter (right elevation)



1st 10


Small x




Looks right, looks straight ahead, head down and a small roll up. Then focus.


2nd 2







2nd 11



            Planned prime


4th quarter (left elevation)



1st 10




Play action


Focus key: run-prime, so after play action, has to be prime.



1st 10






1st 10


Small x




Freeman follows player shift. Normally doesn't. Also peeks at 93 as he resets.


Devonta Freeman Super Bowl Pre Snap Keys Pass to other:


        Pass: - looks side to side


Saints-Falcons Jan.1, 2017


After setup


After setup




Snap time




Side to side



2nd quarter (right elevation)



2nd goal






2nd 9






2nd 7






2nd 8






1st 10






3rd 2






Falcons-Patriots Feb. 5, 2017


2nd quarter (left elevation)



1st 10






After player shift, helmet side to side continue, but are very small movements.


3rd quarter (right elevation)



2nd 13






2nd 10

Quick snap, no keys.


4th quarter (left elevation)



2nd 9






After 5th man up to line, Freeman focused. Knew where he had to block.



Blount Pre Snap Keys Shotgun Run Direction


Same run direction keys noticed in previous games.


Blount shotgun pre snap keys run direction:


Gut: - Blount foot closest to Brady is set back about 4 “


Left: - Blount feet even



] - runs across Brady, continues in same direction


Right: - Blount feet even




Blount can be on either side of Brady for above run direction keys.


Patriots-Falcons Feb. 5, 2017


Final setup


- s = shotgun

Foot closest to Brady

Final setup


Snap time


Set back 4”

Feet even




1st quarter (right elevation)



1st 10







1st 10






2nd 3






2nd quarter (left elevation)



1st 10






3rd quarter (right elevation)



1st 10






Same run direction keys noticed in previous games.


Blount can be on either side of Brady for above run direction keys.


Gut: - Blount foot closest to Brady is set back about 4 “


Left: - Blount feet even



] - runs across Brady, continues in same direction


Right: - Blount feet even




Blount can be on either side of Brady for above run direction keys.


Patriots-Steelers Jan. 22, 2017


Final setup


Foot closest to Brady

Final setup


Snap time


Set back 4”

Feet even




1st quarter (right elevation)



2nd 6







LeGarrette Blount Pre Snap Keys Run Direction Brady Under Center


Same run direction keys noticed in previous games


Blount pre snap keys, run direction Brady under centre:


      Right: - right foot forward in final setup


      Gut or left: - feet even in final setup


      Wide right: - feet even in final setup


Patriots-Steelers Jan. 22, 2017


Snap time


Right forward

Feet even

Left forward

Run left


Run right

Run far right

1st quarter 



1st 10






2nd quarter 



2nd 1





Normally, Blount feet are even on runs left.



2nd 8





3rd quarter



2nd 2






Planned gut run right of cente.



Brady sees defenders heavy to Patriots right side. Makes Blount aware play is run left.


Just before getting under centre, waves left hand (side of leg) confirming left run.





1st 10






1st 10







1st goal





4th quarter  



1st 10







2nd 1







3rd 1






1st goal



Planned x



Not available to be seen.



1st 10




Planned x


Play to the right was killed. Brady tapped helmet both sides and looked to the right.


With Blount's feet even, play being killed had to be (run far right).



Brady then pointed left of centre for run direction.




2nd 7







3rd 1







LeGarrette Blount Run Direction Brady under Center Super Bowl Feb 5, 2017


Patriots-Falcons Feb. 5, 2017


Snap time


Right forward

Feet even

Left forward

Run left


Run right

Run far right

1st quarter 



3rd 1





2nd quarter 



1st 10







Brady signals Blount with left arm, for a run left.



1st 10






Brady kills play (taps both sides of helmet) and points to right side.


Run right is killed. Brady's then puts left arm on thigh confirming left run




Brady turns head to right as he gives backs left signal. Distraction look.



1st 10





Brady pretending a kill for a play left that never was.


3rd quarter



1st 10







Brady points for gut run, just right of cente.





2nd 5





Brady's left arm does not point left. It's a quick stab in the left direction.

